The plot that will be reproduced in this example is a network plot of grooming partners in a baboon group from Tung et al. (2015) in eLife (doi: 10.7554/eLife.05224). This plot from the paper shows the grooming partners within "Mica's" group of Amboseli baboons from August 2011 to August 2012.
The data underlying this plot are archived at DataDryad (doi: 10.5061/dryad.8gp03.2) and are available in my bioanth datasets repository.
Social networks have always been important in primatological research, but it seems to me that only recently have the statistical and computational tools for network analysis begun to be used more in biological anthropology.
The available tools for network analysis in R are mature, but some of the plotting tools are less so, especially those based on ggplot2. In addition, the layout in the plot above is, as far as I can tell, unachievable in R. I will provide examples of a circular layout that is similar in some ways and explore some other layout options that might actually provide a clearer view of the grooming relationships than the original plot.
As always, I change the R option for importing strings (I find that the default convert to factor causes more problems than it solves).
In [1]:
Next, import the data. The data are a matrix of normalized grooming relationship strength, with a value of 1 for the strongest grooming relationship and 0 for no grooming relationship.
In [3]:
dataurl = ""
dmatrix = as.matrix(read.csv(url(dataurl), row.names=1))
# look at a part of this matrix to see what it looks like
dmatrix[10:15, 10:15]
The original plot has the lines ('edges') connecting individuals ('nodes' or 'vertexes') colored differently according to grooming relationship strength, so I will create a function to assign these colors.
In [4]:
ecolor_map = function(x) {
if (x < 0.1) {return("#FDEBDD")}
else if (x >= 0.1 & x < 0.2) {return("#FBBD84")}
else if (x >= 0.2 & x < 0.3) {return("#FC8B3B")}
There are no network plotting tools that are a built in part of base R, ggplot2, or lattice. As far as I can tell, there are no network plotting tools in lattice at all.
In addition, there are no standard network data structures in base R. There are two commonly used packages that provide both network data structures and plotting tools (using base R). These are igraph
and the statnet
packages. Here, I will give examples using both of these.
In [29]:
# the matrix of grooming pairwise grooming relationship strength is
# a type of "adjacency matrix" that can easily be turned into a
# network ('graph') object
g = graph.adjacency(dmatrix,
# undirected = connections are symmetrical
# store the matrix values > 0 as edge weights
# get the colors for the edges using the function defined earlier
ecolors = sapply(E(g)$weight, ecolor_map)
# plot in circular layout (no available layout in igraph like the original)
plot(g, layout=layout_in_circle,
# scale edge width to grooming relationship strength
# curved lines
# color the edges
# change the background color of the nodes
An alternative layout that might provide a clearer visualization is a force-directed layout using the Fruchterman–Reingold algorithm. This is one of a class of algorithms that model the network with mutually repellent nodes that dynamically seek a configuration of lowest energy. As such, the appearance is dependent on the specific starting conditions and will look different every time unless you deliberately set the random number generator seed before plotting.
We can also use the grooming strengths as weights
for the layout, with larger weights making longer edges between nodes.
In [32]:
# I tried different seeds until I got a layout that I liked
# use a weighted Fruchterman–Reingold layout
# since larger weights push nodes farther apart,
# invert the grooming strength values so lesser relationships
# have larger weights
plot(g, layout=layout_with_fr(g, weight=1/E(g)$weight),
# everything else is the same as above
In [59]:
# both of these are part of the statnet distribution
library(network) # for the network structure
library(sna) # for the plotting function
# create the network object
net = network(dmatrix,
# network is undirected; connections are symmetrical
# need the next two lines to store the grooming matrix
# relationship strength values into the network object
# and call this variable "groom"
# get the colors for the edges using the function defined earlier
ecolors = sapply(net%e%'groom', ecolor_map)
# "graph" mode is for undirected networks
# set the layout
# make the nodes a little bigger and change background color
# label the nodes
label=net %v% 'vertex.names',
# put the label in the center of the node
# make the label a little smaller than default
# scale the edge widths to the groom relationship strength
# set the edge colors
# curved edges only work properly for directed graphs;
# for undirected graphs, two edges are displayed between each
# pair of connected nodes.
At the moment, there are at least three ggplot2 based network plotting packages: ggnet, ggnetwork, and ggraph. Of these, ggnet and ggnetwork are reasonably mature, but ggraph is still bleeding-edge.
Whereas the earlier solutions provided both network structures and plotting facilities for those network structures, the ggplot2 methods don't reinvent the network structures and use either statnet
or igraph
structures or both.
In [14]:
library(network) # for the network object
library(GGally) # for ggnet2 plotting function
# see statnet comments above for network object creation
net = network(dmatrix, matrix.type="adjacency",
directed=F, ignore.eval=FALSE, names.eval="groom")
# get the colors for the edges using the function defined earlier
ecolors = sapply(net%e%'groom', ecolor_map)
# plot the network
# layout
# node color
# (cannot figure out a simple way to get a black border on the node)
# set node size
# set node labels
# set edge colors
# scale edge size to grooming relationship strength
In [94]:
library(network) # for network structure
# see statnet comments above for network object creation
net = network(dmatrix, matrix.type="adjacency",
directed=F, ignore.eval=FALSE, names.eval="groom")
net %e% "ecolor" = sapply(net %e% 'groom', ecolor_map)
# plot the network
ggplot(ggnetwork(net, layout="circle"), aes(x=x, y=y, xend=xend, yend=yend)) +
geom_edges(aes(size=I(groom)*10, color=I(ecolor)), curvature=0.1) +
geom_nodes(shape=21, color="black", fill="cornsilk", size=15) +
geom_nodetext(label=V(g)$name) +
In [ ]: